Housing Matters - All people, regardless of where they are on their journey, have an inherent right to safe, stable, and affordable housing.
Our Vision
Housing Matters believes in the philosophy that without housing, meeting other goals in your life can be incredibly difficult. By providing stable housing with a delivery of services that assist in identifying personal needs, and working together on resources that can meet them, creates a greater chance of personal success. In home intensive case management services are crucial to building relationships, providing these needed resources, and walking along side someone to assist them in meeting their goals and enhancing possibilities for sustainable futures.
We believe that all people, regardless of where they are on their journey, have an inherent right to safe, stable, and affordable housing.
Our Mission
Our mission at Housing Matters, is to see that every disabled person who is experiencing long term homelessness receive a stable living environment, in the community of their choosing, whether this is living alone, with other family members, or the best possible housing option that is right for them. We know that positive change can happen within the lives of those that have the opportunity to access safe and healthy housing, and strongly believe that every person is capable of reaching their individual goals through utilizing community resources and supportive services.
Our Belief
We believe that cyclical poverty and institutionalized racism have played roles which have resulted in the current landscape of the relationship of mental health and chronic homelessness. We believe that people can begin to heal when given options and choices that encourage and help optimize self realization. We believe that healing and recovery is possible when it is on the terms of the individual; including when and how that individual deems necessary.